Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Our CSR policy, which has been at the heart of the firm’s creation, is based on two main pillars: our organization and our commitment to society .
The organization of the firm
Clear and transparent corporate governance
The principle of transparency is fundamental to our corporate governance.
We believe in simple, direct, enthusiastic relationships with our interim managers, our employees and our clients. For us, two axes are essential:
- communication (e.g. monthly townhall)
- responsibility for reporting (monthly management committee, extra-financial report, etc.)

MOMEN's approach to each stakeholder

For interim managers: to ensure that we attract the best people by offering them a very high quality tailor-made service, to consider them as employees, to bring them into the MOMEN community, this is our objective.
A few examples of how MOMEN works: adherence to our charter, verification of ability to do before accepting an assignment, financial transparency, accounting or legal support, commitment to associations during periods without an assignment. We maintain the link before, during and after the mission.
For employees: our employees are committed to our values, our charter, and we are committed to being exemplary: salary policy, career development, and access to training in particular.
For the customers : to offer you the best manager as soon as possible, but not only! We are committed to following up on missions with a regular review every 4 to 6 weeks and then at the end of the mission (evaluation of the mission, proposal of support on hourly formats).
The company's charter
We ask our employees and interim managers to read and sincerely adhere to our ethical charter. By joining our firm, they join a community of committed people.
MOMEN's commitment to society
Since our creation, we have adhered to the UN Global Compact which aims to respect 10 fundamental principles, as well as the Diversity Charter

Here are our main commitments:
Human Rights
- principle of non-discrimination in hiring
- policy in favour of inclusion (partnerships with adapted companies, social and integration actions such as toy collections, yellow coins operation, etc.)
Working conditions and relations
- telework encouraged and supported in terms of equipment and logistics
- action plan to improve the quality of life at work
- equal pay for men and women
- access to training
- lower consumption of water, electricity and paper
- selection of responsible office suppliers
- use of public transport as often as possible
Fight against corruption
- transparent pricing policy
- clear gift policy
Our CSR offer
As the CSR approach is at the heart of our model, MOMEN has chosen to also offer its clients CSR managers capable of accompanying them in their approach. Today, more than 90% of companies are convinced that they must commit to long-term, more responsible and sustainable models.
Interim management allows companies to transform themselves. The implementation of a CSR policy or its improvement is a transformation in its own right! It allows the company to be more efficient if we always keep in mind the 3 P’s rule: People, Profit, Planet .