Our CSR Directors help you achieve your goals
MOMEN‘s CSR Directors , available within 48 hours, are involved in transitional missions to respond to your problems in terms of social and environmental commitment.
What can a CSR Director do in practice?
Whether you are at the very beginning of your CSR strategy or already anchored in a strong policy, we will accompany you to achieve your goals.
Our CSR Directors can intervene, for example, to replace a CSR manager to provide interim management (Interim management function following departure on mobility, maternity leave, training, etc.).
We can also conduct an audit of your CSR policy and propose an improvement plan, or define a strategy and lead the CSR transformation program
More specifically, our interim managers specialised in CSR will assist you in :
- Inventory: diagnosis of the company's commitment, identification of stakeholders, analysis of wishes/proposals in terms of CSR approach
- Definition of objectives
- Development of a CSR strategy
- Calculation of the ROI for the company
- Development and implementation of an action plan
- Management of external communication and assistance in drafting an annual non-financial report

Today, depending on the sector, it is essential to think about the impact of the company’s activity on the environment or on society in the broadest sense. Acting for sustainable development, better managing our waste, our energy consumption, we do it in our daily lives, why not in our companies?
The CSR approach, based on the ISO 26000 standard, helps companies to reduce their environmental impact, but not only. We have moved from a logic of compensation to a logic of “doing things differently” by integrating the CSR dimension into the production process. The economic pillar must now be fully integrated into the long-term thinking. A successful CSR policy optimizes the 3 Ps: People, Planet, Profit!
Why call on MOMEN for your CSR policy?

First of all, we propose the immediate intervention of a CSR Director:
- Operational regardless of the stage of maturity of your social and environmental responsibility approach
- Business-oriented to promote the CSR approach in an economic logic (life cycle analysis (LCA), carbon footprint...)
- Transversal to involve all your departments in the approach (responsible marketing and sales, QWL, greener logistics, etc.)
In addition, our managers have the human qualities that are essential for successfully transforming a company and carrying out the CSR process: positive teaching, communication, ability to convince, lead and unite teams. And above all, a tireless desire to promote the subject of CSR, a tremendous amount of energy!
Finally, calling on MOMEN also means relying on a committed firm itself! We are a member of the Global Compact (United Nations) and the Diversity Charter. We have embedded strong principles on our governance and our stakeholders (customers, suppliers and partners) based on transparency (accountability), consideration andcommitment .