Your transformation plans depend on good recruitment
Do you have a strategic transformation plan for your company and are you looking for someone to lead the program? Our interim managers are ready. Thanks to a rigorous recruitment methodology, we can offer you the best profiles. Then, we follow up on the sites thanks to our methodology of accompaniment, in order to guarantee you the best result.
Our recruitment methodology
With 15 years of experience in recruiting and placing consultants with extremely varied profiles, the founders of MOMEN put all their expertise at your disposal to offer you the best profiles only.
Our recruitment process is particularly rigorous and elitist. Even though more than half of the profiles come from co-optation, a guarantee of quality, the process remains the same for all:
- Selection of the profile on the basis of a file, on the basis of a grid rich in various criteria
- Interview N°1 with a Talent Consultant: verification of skills, analysis of interpersonal skills, ability to be an interim manager
- Taking references from previous experiences
- Interview N°2 with an Account Manager: analysis of technical and human skills with regard to the envisaged mission, role-playing...
- Interview N°3 with one of the two founders of MOMEN
In essence, our recruitment methodology is based primarily on three adjectives:
- Oversized: we offer profiles with additional skills in relation to your wishes
- Compatible: beyond strict skills, the success of the mission depends on the Interim Manager's ability to understand and integrate immediately into the company's culture and its roadmap
- Leader: to involve employees, to listen, to be proactive, to stand back. Knowing how to communicate and lead change is essential to us
Our support methodology for your transformation plans
Depending on your problem, you will need one or more interim managers.
Whether in a team or individually, MOMEN’s methodology follows and guarantees the quality of service you expect. The process is structured and allows to keep the requirement and the operational excellence for the success of your strategic transformation plans.
1 – Initialization phase :
- Diagnosis (audit over a few days) - The interim manager makes an inventory of the company's resources (human, financial, material) and skills. It also highlights the points of operation/dysfunction
- Point N°1 - We organize a 1st point of follow-up of the mission after one week, with the objective of :
- Validate together the good integration of the manager within the teams
- Exchange on the first conclusions of the audit, complete if necessary for a better control of the context
- Formulate requests if necessary for the smooth running of the mission: documentation, tools, reporting
- Action plan & KPIs - Definition and proposal of an action plan: the manager presents you the action plan, by priorities. It also provides you with KPIs to measure the performance of the mission
2 – Operational phase :
- Action - After validation from you, the manager implements and pilots the action plan with the teams
- Regular follow-up - Follow-up meetings are organized to review the progress of the mission - frequency to be defined with you (by default we recommend 1 monthly review)
3 – Finalization phase :
- Preparation for the end of the assignment - The interim manager prepares for the aftermath of the assignment as it is an integral part of the result. He trains the future leader if necessary, and gives him the action plan for the future
- End of mission - We set up :
- Last point of the mission to ensure your satisfaction and the delivered result: evaluation on the spot with a short evaluation grid
- A few weeks later, a second evaluation of the mission, with a brief satisfaction survey
- After the assignment - We offer you the possibility of subscribing to hourly credits to obtain hours of support from the interim manager who carried out the assignment, should certain specific situations require it
If deemed necessary, we offer a mentoring system : the interim manager on assignment can be supported by a MOMEN assignment director. Fresh eyes, support, and objectivity make all the difference in ensuring the success of the mission.
Finally, the interim manager also has access to our community to exchange and make the right decisions. The strength of MOMEN is that we can offer our managers the benefit of our large community and real support. Managers, leaders and experts help each other in their field(s).