MOMEN's Legal Interim Managers
At MOMEN the profiles we provide, within 48 hours, can have functions such as Legal Director, Tax Director, M&A Director, Legal Counsel, Secretary to the Board, Contracts Director, Compliance Director, DPO (Data Protection Officer).
Why call on a Legal Transition Manager at MOMEN?
Our Legal Interim Manager, assists you in the context of a replacement of a Director, a business transformation or a crisis management.
The MOMEN interim manager will be able to advise, support and inform about the law. He is the guarantor of the legal and contractual aspects.
We are committed to ensuring that our legal managers have a thorough understanding of the company’s activities and business strategy, in order to better orchestrate or manage litigation.
They make proposals to the CEO on the regulatory issues to be implemented.
Our transition managers for legal functions are pragmatic. They are used to operating in environments of constant challenge.
Thus, they optimize operations with internal and external partners in France and abroad. They integrate the strategic levels of the company.

Recruitment of a Legal Director (permanent contract) :
what is the difference with interim management?

If you are recruiting a Director for legal functions , perhaps you have calculated the monthly cost of your Director’s absence?
With the monthly cost of the lack of Director, you can estimate the urgency (or not) of your staffing needs.
Also, you can find out which is the best solution:
- Recruitment on permanent contracts
- Call for interim management
The level of urgency is the main element to take into account: a first solution may be to call upon a Recruitment agency for a Legal Director but this may take several months.
Alternatively, you can choose to recruit an interim Director for a legal function, available to start immediately (within a week). Interim management has its benefits. It provides an intermediary solution while waiting for permanent recruitment.
The interim management concerns a specific request.